Private: In God We Trust
God’s Plan for Managing Money
March 29, 2015
Select a Message:
- Overview
- 1It’s All In Your Mind
- 2Who’s On First?
- 3Double Dog Dare
- 4God’s Plan for Managing Money
A message by: James Brummett
For generations an inscription has been included on our coins and currency: In God We Trust. In 1956 the phrase was adopted as the offical motto ot the United States, though it had been common on coins since 1864. It seems our national leaders were trying to say, “We should not trust in our own might or abiltiy to produce wealth. We ought to trust in God alone. They were right. However, by any casual observation it seems as if we have strayed from the motto when it comes to how we manage and interact with money. In this message we’re going to look at God’s plan for managing money.