God’s Grand Story
Return of the King
April 25, 2021
Select a Message:
- Overview
- 1Beginnings
- 2Wanderings
- 3Promised Land
- 4United Kingdom
- 5Divided Kingdom
- 6Captivity & Coming Kingdom
- 7Jesus Arrives
- 8Jesus Ministers
- 9Jesus Dies & Lives Again
- 10The Church Begins
- 11The Church Grows
- 12Return of the King
A message by: James Brummett
Eschatology (es·cha·tol·o·gy) is a Christian term that references the biblical teachings about the study of the “last things,” including the second coming of Jesus. While Christians hold to a wide variety of beliefs about the details surrounding the second coming of Christ, there is one central truth on which there is broad agreement: Jesus is coming again, and he will come in a literal and visible manner. The return of Jesus is necessary to bring redemptive history to its ultimate conclusion where God sets all things right and restores his created order.
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