God’s Grand Story
February 7, 2021
Select a Message:
- Overview
- 1Beginnings
- 2Wanderings
- 3Promised Land
- 4United Kingdom
- 5Divided Kingdom
- 6Captivity & Coming Kingdom
- 7Jesus Arrives
- 8Jesus Ministers
- 9Jesus Dies & Lives Again
- 10The Church Begins
- 11The Church Grows
- 12Return of the King
A message by: James Brummett
After more than four hundred years of the Israelites being enslaved in Egypt, God heard their cries for help. In Exodus we see him delivering his people from slavery and rescuing them from their enemies. In Leviticus we see God giving explicit instructions on how to live and how to relate to him. In Numbers we witness God guiding, providing for, and disciplining his wayward people. In Deuteronomy we hear him patiently reminding the next generation of Israelites of how to live lives that honor him, bless the world, and bring personal fulfillment.
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